Assignment 3: My ePortfolio Gallery


My ePortfolio gallery was created with Google Sites. The home page presents each media type (graphics, audio, and video) that I created in the course. At the top of the site, there is a slideshow playing some of the media covered in the gallery. Every medium section has a clickable link that leads to Google Drive, where visitors can download the medium file. A brief description and a lesson integration example are attached with each medium piece. I have also added the transcript (in the collapsible text) for the audio right below the audio player. The main page menu has three submenus of the lesson integrations. The lesson integration sections provide information about how the media supports learning or links to the web pages that demonstrate how the media is integrated with the lesson.


The link to my ePortfolio gallery

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Thanks!

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  1. Hello Junxiang,

    Great ePortfolio! I love how you were able to incorporate all three educational media seamlessly into one lesson topic. Everything was well done, as all your work usually is. Thank you for sharing!

    I enjoyed all your posts and our discussions throughout this course. And I wish you all the best.


  2. Hi Junxiang,

    I like your ePortfolio and how you integrated all 3 media types using Google sites! Your infograph was great in how it showed tangible dates. This gives your learners those milestone goals along the way. Your rubric has specific components and learning levels; clear and concise for learners to know what to aim for.

    Your lesson on wrapping a tennis racket was neat! I like the fade-in feature with each of the steps and the picture-in-picture feature that zoomed in. After watching your video demonstration, I am pretty sure I was doing it incorrectly back in high school!! Thanks for sharing.

    Thank you also for your discussions and posts. Best wishes in your next course!


  3. Hi Junxiang,
    I loved your video. Do you remove the old tape when you put new tape on? I had a similar incident happen when when I was around six. I never shoplifted again! Thanks for your posts, and it was awesome partnering with you! Good luck with your future courses.


    • Hello Jason, thanks for your comments. Yes I removed the old tape when replacing a new overgrip. The overgrip comes with a new tape as well. It was also a pleasure working with you. Have a great summer!

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